January 2025
General Office Enhancements:
- Added ability to manage external forms and apply them to inspection frequencies to prevent irrelevant forms from showing up on all inspections in a series
- Added support for tax tiers and tax grouping
- Added support for custom price lists
- Added the ability to add last service dates when importing or creating extinguishers
- Updated extinguisher projections to use last service date
- Updated default settings when creating a proposal so that profit margin is turned on by default
- Added the ability to include notes and all other fields on alarm device import
- Added pagination to the schedule and dispatch screen so that large numbers of visits no longer cause impact performance
Reporting Improvements:
- Added support for emergency lights on DNV reports
- Added functionality to individual backflow reports so that deficiencies can be printed without needing to print the entire report
iOS Improvements:
- Added ability to add last service date when creating or swapping an extinguisher
- For ULC reports, added the ability to fill the name of the person the technician is delivering the report to
December 2024
General Office Enhancements:
- Performance improvements on the map when large numbers of visits are present on the Schedule and Dispatch screen
- Added invoice reference number field to the invoice export summary
- Improved the experience valve sorting/ordering
- The Office now has the capability to match the sort order the technician sets on the iPad, and the Office user can re-order in the same way that a technician can on the iPad.
Reporting Improvements:
- ULC compliance updates
- DNV reporting improvements
- Made improvements to tag color appearance on report
- Additional report configurations:
- Ability to hide technician name in inspection summary
- Ability to group alarm devices by type
- Expanded support for external font
November 2024
General iOS Enhancements:
- Improved the top-level attribute functionality so that users can view and edit (if permitted) them.
- Improved performance when loading a large number of extinguishers
- Improved extinguisher swap functionality to reduce the amount of data entry required when swapping an extinguisher in the field
- Added the ability to manage control panel type when adding/editing a control panel
General Office Enhancements:
- Added the ability to create custom lists of extinguisher weights
- Added ability to manage control panel types from settings
General Reporting Enhancements:
- Added extinguishers to DNV report
- Various DNV report improvements
October 2024
General Improvements
- Added ability to shift a series forward by your desired number of months if a visit is missed/delayed
- Improved performance on schedule and dispatch map when large quantities of visits are showing
- New and Improved UI on deficiencies page
- must enable preview to see this
- Improved deficiency details listing to include more deficiency details
- Added the ability for back office users to generate their own API keys
Improvements to Scanning Functionality
- Added ability to individually auto-pass devices upon scan
- Changed default keyboard behavior when the barcode text field scanner is enabled so that it remains hidden by default
- Improved behavior when scanning multiple devices in a row to improve efficiency when scanning > saving > scanning
Reporting Improvements
- Added ability to control how node, loop, zone, and address print on reports (all in one field OR separate fields)
- Added Device Label, Annunciated Fire Zone, and General Circuit attributes to the ULC Alarm Device mass edit and CSV import
- Added ability to export sprinkler head details
- Added option to include Stand Pipe and Hose Assets to DNV reports
- Photos of non-deficient backflows now display on reports
- Deficiencies on external forms now print on the report
iOS Improvements
- Added additional filtering options in the ‘show not tested in past…’ filter to allow for greater granularity in filtering
- Added a floating action button for quick actions
- General ease of use UI improvements on the Inspection Screen
September 2024
Improvements to the Technician Portal
- Added ability to see photo details on buildings
- Added ability to edit photos on buildings
- Added ability to upload, view, and edit photos on an inspection
- Added ability to manage all aspects of a work order/service visit
- Added ability to upload, view, and edit photos on a work order
- Added ability to upload and view documents on inspections and work orders
- Added the ability to view and edit a resolved deficiency
- Added the ability to send service visits back to the back office
August 2024
iOS Updates
Annotated Photos - Technicians can now annotate photos directly within our platform, similar to the annotation capabilities available on iOS. This functionality allows them to draw or write on the photos to highlight deficiencies and other important details.
Office Updates
New Photo Library View - Users now have access to an improved and more organized photo viewer. This enhanced feature allows you to view photos of buildings, work orders, or inspections. Photos are organized by the date taken, and the viewer also provides visibility into the metadata associated with each photo. A similar view will be available to technicians through the technician portal in the near future.
Updated Home Dashboard - Our new dashboard just got even better! You can now configure which statuses are highlighted, making it easier to focus on what's important. Every element on the dashboard is clickable, allowing you to dive into the data behind the scenes.
Additionally, we've introduced three new widgets:
- Today's Inspections - Stay updated on all inspections scheduled for today.
- Today's Service Visits - Keep track of all service visits happening today.
- High Priority Inspections - Easily identify inspections waiting for review with deficiencies.
July 2024
iOS Updates
Invoice & Report Generation in The Field- Upon completion of an inspection, via our new “Online View” link, technicians can now generate inspection reports and inspection invoices from the technician portal, without needing to access the Office app. (Note, technician permissions must be enabled for access to these features.) With Inspect Point payments, technicians can also collect right from the field!
June 2024
iOS Updates
Send Later Queue - New Functionality allowing technicians to save items to send back later when they are on a stronger internet connection. Read more here.
May 2024
Office Updates
Updated Activity Feed - New improved Activity Feed is replacing Tech Messages. Now you can add office notes or notes visible to the technician at the building, inspection or service visit. Read more here.
QBD Building Tax / Term Sync - We can now synchronize your customer-specific building tax and payment terms from QBD to Inspect Point buildings.
New Calendar - We introduced a preview to the new calendar screen which provides more screen real estate to manage your work. Additionally, you have more power to control how the calendar works with colors and statuses depending on your specific use case.
Inspection Summary Option - Do you conduct kitchen hood inspections and need the inspection summary to separate NFPA25 items from your other suppression assets? This is now an option in report settings.
Cancelled by Technician -> Pending - Would you prefer that when your technicians remove an inspection from their device, it goes to a Pending status? Great news, this option is now available in your company settings.
iOS Updates
Building Address - Quickly click and get directions to your next visit right from the inspection detail screen.
Multiple Image Upload - Have you ever wanted to choose more than one photo to upload to a deficiency? Now you can!
Generic Scanner Support - Do you have a generic barcode scanner? We have added new support for this and documented how to use a Tera Scanner.
Price Book Description - You can now search for your materials and services using the name and / or description.
April 2024
Office Updates
Bill To Account Override - You can now override the bill to on an individual job. This is useful if you have to bill to the construction company but want to use the same location. Contact support@inspectpoint.com to get this enabled in your instance.
TCE Support for Inventory and Backflows - Improved TCE submission support for AHJs that require inventory and back flows.
Schedule / Dispatch Screen Updates - The new schedule and dispatch screen is now part of the primary navigation. Additionally it now centers on your office location with an indicator for your headquarters (based on company settings). We also added the ability to filter your technicians on the bottom pane based on team for cases when you have a lot of techs. Make sure you take advantage of the Assets filter if you have techs that only inspect or service certain types of systems.
Materials and Services Selector - Line item selection of materials and services items just got easier. You can now search for your item without having to pick the category first. This also comes with a major performance improvement if you have a very large price book. This has been rolled out on proposals, work orders, and invoices.
Voided Invoices - Invoices can now be voided in Inspect Point. Voided invoices will not be used in reports and calculations, but can still be viewed in the office by filtering to the 'Voided' status. To learn more about this feature, and its implications with QuickBooks, click here.
Enhanced Color Picker - A more robust color selector is available for technicians. These colors appear throughout the product, including, but not limited to, the Map, and Calendar. With more colors to select from, users have greater control over how their inspection statuses and technicians are presented.
iOS Updates
Bulk Inspect on E-Lights and Extinguishers - Bulk Inspect has been added for Emergency Lights and Fire Extinguishers. This saves technicians valuable time in the field by allowing them to inspect these items all at once.
Location Switch for Extinguishers - No longer do extinguishers have to return to the same location after being serviced. With our new “Switch” feature, techs can quickly swap extinguishers between locations, while keeping identifying information the same. Learn more here.
March 2024
Platform Updates (Major 8.0.0 iOS Release)
New iOS Workflow: A new improved way to track your used materials and services from the iPad. This allows technicians to track work completed or proposed work more easily and then for Office View users to simply convert the inspection to an invoice to get those items billed.
Additionally all Inspections and Service visits will now be assigned a unique work order # once they are submitted.
Create Proposals from Work Orders: Do you need to send someone in the field to create a proposal. You can now dispatch a service visit / work order and the field personel will be able to create a proposal from the iPad or iPhone.
Building Sections: Building sections can now be used on alarm devices, fire extinguishers and exit signs. They share a common list so its much easier for technicians to organize devices and filter results. All imports have been updated to support this new feature.
February 2024
Office Updates
Outlook Calendar Updates: Inspect Point's Outlook integration now sends calendar request emails for service visits and multi-tech inspections, along with greater information in each email.
Asset Filter on the Map: Users can now filter by Asset Type on the Map, improving their efficiency and visibility into scheduling.
Proposal Improvements! Margin & Groups: Proposal users can now calculate margin on proposals as well as group quoted line items into summary items to make quoting more detailed while providing the end customer an more summarized quote.
Proposal IP Address: We now show office users the IP address that was used to accept a proposal providing an extra level of security / assurance.
January 2024
Office Updates
Extinguisher Projection Report Updates: The Extinguisher Projection Report now has options to view by Due/Overdue and Scheduled. Use Due/Overdue to keep track of all active extinguishers, and use Scheduled to filter to extinguishers with an upcoming inspection date. This view lets technicians know how many items to load into their vehicles each day. Click here to learn more.
Building Sections: Sections have been added to buildings and select inspection items. By filtering to specific sections on the iPad, technicians can more efficiently complete inspections, as they can inspect everything in Floor #1 at the same time, for example. Click here to learn more.
Asset Filter on Inspection Listing Screen: Users now have the ability to filter by asset on the Inspection Listing Screen. By narrowing your search to Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishers, etc. you can find inspections more easily.
Export on Fire Extinguisher Groups: Export Fire Extinguisher Group details with our new Export button
December 2023
Office Updates
Code Year & Managing System Questions: We’re excited to provide users a way to choose their own code years and manage NFPA 25 questions easier. Users can select default code years and override them at the building level. The new System/Asset Questions page lets users sort by code year, frequency, and asset type, allowing them to turn questions on or off as they please. Click here to learn more.
NEW Envelope Option: For invoices, users can download a standard 8.5” x 11” envelope sheet that contains company and billing information. This sheet will display through the envelope window giving customers a professional-looking piece of mail.
NEW Email Notifications & Template: Inspect Point now supports email notifications. Turn them on in the Notifications Preferences section in the backend. Our email template has been revamped as well, with a modern-looking feel.
Updated Building Listing Screen: Our Edit / Add New Building, and settings pages (Company, Proposal, Reports, Invoices, Proposals) have all been updated with a more modern user interface.
November 2023
Office Updates
NEW Inspection Device History: You can now view the inspection history for fire extinguishers, emergency lights, and alarm devices. Located at the bottom of the Edit Device screen, the inspection history shows the date the device was inspected and whether it passed or failed, along with accompanying notes and photos. This removes the need to open multiple tabs to track inspection history across devices.
Inspection Listing Screen: The Inspection Listing Screen received a major design overhaul this month. The data grid has been modernized, along with columns and filters users can select from to customize the screen to their liking.
Extinguisher Projection Report: Previously the Overdue Extinguisher Report, the Extinguisher Projection Report lets users look ahead to see which extinguishers are due for maintenance. Technicians can use this report each morning to see how many extinguishers they need to bring with them for the day.
Correction Renaming: Gone is “Proposed Corrections,” in is “Materials & Services.” Throughout the backend we’ve removed each mention of Proposed Corrections, as we continue to revamp our Service offerings.
October 2023
Office Updates
NEW Scheduler Map: We are excited to announce a new scheduling map feature, that allows you to preview and schedule visits on both a map and a scheduler/dispatch board. You can access the map by clicking the map icon next to the Scheduler link in the side bar link menu. Click here for more information.
NEW Dashboard (Beta): You will see an option to preview our new & improved home dashboard, which allows greater visibility into the status of your inspections, deficiencies, as well as work orders, invoices, proposals and payments if you are using these features. Stay tuned for additional features to come, such as the ability to click into each status count and jump to a filtered list.
NEW Invoice Insights: In your Analytic Reports area, you can now find a NEW invoice dashboard. Here, you can quickly identify key business metrics related to invoicing / accounts receivable.
Add Items on New Inspection / Inspection Series: Previously, the only way to add new items was by editing a building. Users now have the ability to add new inspection items as they create a new inspection or inspection series.
Proposed Correction Updates: We are working on improving our “proposed corrections.” Now, you can add “material” corrections with helpful fields such as part no., manufacturer and model no. You can also add material “types” that show up in your corrections list. And, our new interface allows you to edit key fields on the screen. This is part of a larger effort to make corrections more useful – you’ll soon see more new features, along with corrections renamed to “Materials & Services.”
iOS Updates
Continued Add Multiple Support: Support for our Add Single/Multiple feature has been added for Fire Doors, Smoke & CO, Cylinders, and Sprinkler Heads.
New Asset Type - Hoses: Hoses can now be added as a standalone asset. Previously, only Standpipe & Hoses could be added.
September 2023
Office Updates
- File Import Improvements
- New Inspection Type: Vehicle Suppression
- Additional French translations: Default email content and invoice, proposal and visit reminders are now available in French.
iOS Updates
Users can now filter by Scheduled Date and Due Date. The Due Date icon will turn red if the inspection is due in 3 days or less, gold if it is due between 4-7 days, and blue if is due a week or more in advance. User can sort the inspection list by Scheduled Date and Due Date as well, should they want to see inspections grouped by either date. Learn more.
August 2023
Office Updates
- Various bug fixes/support issue fixes
NEW Inspection Series Views
- "Inspection Series" listing screen that displays all series in instance (Linked from sidebar navigation under Inspections)
- "Inspection Series" listing tabs on both Accounts and Buildings to display series associated with a specific account or building
- Detail screen to display all inspections associated to the series and key information
- See documentation here for details on these new features.
- "Inspection Series" listing screen that displays all series in instance (Linked from sidebar navigation under Inspections)
NEW Company Setting - Auto-Extend Inspection Series
- By default, all series will expire after five years. However, with this setting turned on, all series will automatically extend another five years when they approach their expiration date.
- NEW Invoiced/Paid status setting: On Invoice Settings, you can turn on a setting that will introduce an “invoiced” and “paid” status for work orders that will automatically update when an invoice has been created/paid. Inspection invoiced/paid statuses will also automatically update.
- NEW Tag Color Support: Tag Colors can now be added as multiple choice questions on Sprinkler and Alarm Systems. Create this questions in the backend, and then inspection-level and system-level tag colors will appear on the report. Learn more here.
- Technician Invoice Report: Technician column will appear in .CSV export of invoices, so you can determine the amount of revenue generated by each tech.
- Foreign Currency Support: You can now select from 100+ foreign currencies to use as a default currency on proposals, invoices and service reports. You can change the currency on individual documents if desired. See documentation here for details.
- Invoice Contact Improvements: Now, when you go to send an invoice, if there are multiple billing/invoice contacts on the associated building, they will appear in the email field.
New filters on Inspection tab on Building allowing users to filter by status, tech, frequency, etc.
July 2023
Office Updates
Enhanced Invoice History: You can now see additional tracking information, including if a customer viewed your invoice.
Proposal Deposit Notes: If you are using proposal saved payment methods or down payments, you can now add a note on the Payment Settings page that will appear in this area of the proposal. This is useful if you have specific proposal terms that state the customer will be charged when work is complete.
Inspections & Inspection Reports
NEW Deficiency Report Notes: If you wish, you can now add a note that will appear in relevant deficiency sections on inspection reports. Some customers use this to include information about how to contact them for service or to approve a proposal. (Add them in Inspections -> Settings -> Deficiency Report Notes.) Learn more.
Default Technician Note Improvements (includes iOS Component): You can now put default technician notes in categories related to inspection types. When you categorize your notes in this way, the technician will see notes relevant to the type of inspection they are doing, making it quicker/easier to select notes from the field. In addition, you have the option to allow technicians to save their notes to your default list if desired. You can access this feature in Settings -> Inspections -> Default Tech Notes.
Building Inspection List Count: The "Number of Inspections" column on the Buildings listing screen now excludes cancelled and deleted inspections.
Scheduling & Customer Communication
Customer Visit Reminders: Schedule customizable, automated reminders for inspection & work order visits that send to account or building scheduling contacts. (Note, when these are on, Building Reminders will automatically disable.) Learn more.
NEW Service Setting: On your Service Settings page, you can now decide if the default visit that is added when a work order is created goes in "pending" or "scheduled" status.
Customer Portal
Customer Portal Attachment Settings: You can now choose to automatically publish building attachments to the portal, similar to the settings available for inspection reports, proposals, invoices and service reports. In addition, you can now bulk publish attachments in bulk if you do not have the auto-publish on, and bulk categorize to quickly organize your attachments into categories. Learn More.
iOS Updates
NEW Inspection & Service Visit Experience: We have a new and improved workflow for creating inspection and service visits from the field. This streamlines the process and allows technicians to quickly select or add assets to an inspection.
Improvements to Adding Extinguishers, Exit Signs & Alarm Devices from the Field: Technicians can now quickly add multiple new extinguishers, exit signs and alarm devices in addition to cloning individually or manually adding one at a time.
June 2023
Office Updates
Ability to Attach PDF to Invoice Email by Default: On your Invoice Settings page, you now have the option to attach an invoice PDF to invoice emails by default.
Deficiency Only Report: Ability to generate an inspection report that displays only building deficiency information.
Proposal Currency Defaults: On your Proposal Settings page, you can now select a default currency to use on proposals.
General Joint Commission improvements for extinguishers & e-lights.
May 2023
Office Updates
NEW "Quick Actions" & Related Items: Our new design makes it quick and easy to access key actions on proposals, inspections and work orders. In addition, you can now easily see related items – for example, if a work order was created from an inspection, you will see the associated inspection at the top of the work order screen, and vice versa.
NEW "Collect" Feature for Payments Users: Users with Inspect Point Payments enabled can easily process a charge for a proposal, inspection, work order or invoice while working on that screen. Learn more.
Attachment Categories: You can now add categories (which function similar to folders) for documents uploaded in a building's "Attachments" area. First create your categories in the "Company Settings" section of the Settings page. Then, when adding an attachment, you can select the appropriate category. Categories also display in the Customer Portal.
"DBA" Headers: If you have multiple business lines, you can select the header (company name, license number, address, phone, email and logo) that should show on proposals, reports and invoices for a building. Create the headers on your Company Settings page and then select the relevant header on the building level.
iOS Updates
Technician Self-Scheduling: Now, technicians can schedule their own inspections from the iPad. This allows techs greater control over their scheduling. For example, if a tech is dispatched 30 inspections on the first of the month, they now have the ability to change these visits to dates and times most convenient for them. Learn more.
April 2023
General improvements: Minor bug fixes, enhancements and UI/UX improvements, including a new resizable sidebar and currency formatting improvements.
Ability to duplicate an invoice: On the top of an invoice, you can click to duplicate an invoice.
New auto-generate report settings: On Report Settings, you can now choose to auto-generate a report when a technician submits an inspection back to the office.
March 2023
Office Updates
New Login Screens! Our back-end and Customer Portal login screens now have a new, modern look and feel.
Proposal Deposit Carry-over: When you use Inspect Point's payments system to take a deposit/down payment on a proposal, and then convert that proposal to a work order or invoice, the deposit will now carry-over to the work order or invoice. This makes it easy to track the balance due. Learn more.
Inspection Report Name Display Name Defaults: You can set a default inspection report display name for all reports in your account, and override this at a building level. You can use the tags {{ inspection_system }}, {{ frequency }} and/or {{ date }} to automatically display these fields in the report display name, along with any other text you wish. So for example, if you wanted your company name to appear in the report name along with these fields, you could enter "ABC Fire Protection Company - {{ frequency }} - {{ inspection_system} - {{ date }}" in the back-end. This would generate a name like, "ABC Fire Protection - Annual - Extinguisher, E-Lights - 2023/2/20" which would then appear in the Customer Portal. Learn more.
February 2023
Office Updates
Customer Portal
- “Contact Us” form: In Customer Portal settings, you can turn on a “Contact Us” form. You can add custom reasons for messages such as a routine service request, emergency service, billing questions, etc., and enter an email address for each type of request. The “Contact Us” form will appear on the Customer Portal dashboard. Customers can send messages through the form and your team will receive an email notification. (Learn more here.)
- Upcoming Visits: Your customers can now see their upcoming inspection and service visits! Visits in the “scheduled” status will appear on the new “Upcoming Visits” page in the Customer Portal. In addition, customers will see the technician's profile photo if one is on file for them (you can upload it on their technician profile).
- Contact Settings: In Customer Portal settings, you can choose whether or not you’d like to add contacts to the portal by default when creating a new contact.
- Additional Filters: Customers can now filter the Invoice list in the Customer Portal by date and status.
- Proposal Payment Methods/Deposits: You can now require that a customer saves a payment method on file, or pays a deposit, before accepting a proposal. Here's how to turn it on. (Note, this feature is available for Inspect Point Payments users. Learn more about payments here.)
Inspection Items
- Importing Smoke & CO Devices: ULC customers can now import their Smoke & CO device lists into Inspect Point. Learn how here.
January 2023
Office Updates
Analytic Reports/Dashboards
Inspection Revenue Forecast: In the Analytic Reports area, the "Revenue Forecast" area allows you to view a forecast of monthly inspection revenue, filterable by inspection type, building, technician & more.
Inspection Reports
Inspection Report Layout: We have improved the layout of deficiencies and photos on our inspection report. You will also find additional helpful information about photos, including the comment and date taken.
Proposal-to-Building Link: You can now link a proposal not currently associated to a building to an existing building, or create a new building for it.
Proposal Display Settings: In Proposal Settings, you can now choose to hide quantity, unit price or line item total on all proposals in your instance. You can override settings on individual proposals if desired. (Learn more.)
Design Changes - Proposals and Invoices: Previously, key “action” buttons on proposals and invoices were located below the body of the proposal or invoices. You can now find them at the top, so you can quickly do what you need to do, without having to scroll!
Invoice Message: You can now add a message to your invoice, which will show up on the web view and PDF. (Learn more.)
Invoice PDF Attachment: Now, when sending an invoice, you can check off "attach PDF" to send a PDF attachment to the email along with the invoice web link.
Invoice Service Report/Inspection Report Attachments: In your Invoice Settings, you can turn on a new setting which will link published reports (inspections and/or service) to an invoice associated with that inspection or work order. The linked report will appear on the invoice. (Learn more.)
“Enter Payment” on Invoice Improvements: Now, when manually entering a payment on an invoice, you can indicate payment type, date, reference number, and a note. In addition, you can enter a partial payment, which will update and record the balance due for that invoice. (Learn more.)
December 2022
Office Updates
Improved Contact Role Management: The new Account / Contact hierarchy improves the efficiency of managing your contacts in Inspect Point. Now, you can easily see which contact roles are inherited from an account, and which are set at the building level. Additionally, when creating new contacts, you can now assign to an account, set contact roles, and invite to the customer portal all from the onset - saving you even more time. Moreover, setting a contact role to Billing/Invoice will now automatically make them the default contact when making a proposal, and populate their billing information on invoices. (Learn more.)
Ability to Track Time on Non-Inspection/Work Order Activities: Back-office users can now add non-work order/inspection time entry types, and then add time for technicians via the “Time Entry” page. Coming soon, technicians will be able to log non-work order/inspection time via the technician portal.
Saved Payment Methods: Now, when customers are paying an invoice, they can choose to save a credit card/bank account for later use. In addition, office users can process charges from the back-end. (Learn more.) *Available only to users with Inspect Point’s integrated payments solution.
Technician Updates
Ability to Generate an Invoice in the Field & Take a Payment: Customers using our integrated payments can now have techs create an invoice in the field from a work order, and then take a payment on that invoice.
Ability to Deactivate Equipment in the Field: Technicians can now deactivate equipment from their iOS device.
Ability to Clone Valves: Technicians can now clone all valves.
Payments in the Field: It is possible for a technician to generate an invoice in the field with Inspect Point Payments. (Learn More.) *Available only to users with Inspect Point’s integrated payments solution.
November 2022
Office Updates
Invoice Reminders: Inspect Point’s “invoice reminders” allows you to automate invoice follow-up emails to streamline your collection process, and get paid faster. To turn on invoice reminders, go to Settings → Invoice/Payments → Invoice Reminders. (Learn more.)
Custom Fields: Use custom fields to track key data points across accounts and buildings. (Learn more.)
Ability to Convert a System Question into a User-Added Question: Want to customize an inspection question? Now, rather than creating a user-added/custom question from scratch, you can convert a system question into a user-added question and then edit it. Just click "Copy to a New Question and Deactivate Current" when editing the question.
October 2022
Technician Updates
Quick Inspect & Bulk Inspect for Fire Alarms: These two new features improve efficiency of alarm device inspections. With Quick Inspect, techs can toggle on "Quick Mode" which gives them the ability to select visual/functional & pass/fail without needing to tap into each device. This is available by default to all users. Bulk Inspect gives techs the ability to bulk answer multiple devices - for example, they could pass all horn strobes, or make an entire section “no access.” To turn on bulk mode for your technicians, reach out to your CSM today. (Learn more.)
Ability to Add Fire Dampers in the Field: Technicians can now add a new damper while doing an inspection, or select an existing damper that’s already been added by the back-office.
Office & Technician Updates
NEW Feature: Time Entry
- Time Entry Tracking & Management on Work Orders and Inspections: We are excited to announce some very exciting upgrades to our existing time tracking system! Up until now, technicians were able to manually log time on work orders only.
Now, technicians can clock-in and clock-out (as well as manually enter/update) time on both inspections AND work orders. Office administrators can review and export (or bill for) time entries via the web application.
- You must configure time entry rates before technicians can start logging time. In addition, technicians must be on version 6.9.0 or higher of the Inspect Point app, and must log-out/in, before being able to access the new time entry functionality.
- In addition, the NEW web-based technician portal allows technicians who don’t have access to an iOS device (such as junior, part-time or installation technicians) to track time.
- Learn more:
Office Updates
Proposal & Invoice Improvements
- Customize Invoice Emails: In Settings → Invoice/Payments Settings → Invoice Settings, you can now customize the default text that appears when you send an invoice through Inspect Point.
- Dynamic Default Payments Terms on Invoices: You can now assign default payment terms (e.g. “Due on Receipt,” “Net 30,” etc.) globally, or set account or building defaults which will override your global company settings. (Learn more.)
Proposed Correction & Materials Improvements
- NEW Proposal & Work Order Builder Screen: Inspect Point now features a modern, easy-to-use interface for adding corrections, materials or line items to a proposal or work order.
- Pricing Improvements: Now, updating prices on proposed corrections and materials will not, by default, update prices on previously created proposals or work orders. You can press the new “Resync Prices” button on existing proposals/work orders if you wish to update prices.
Customer Portal Improvements
- Additional Customer Portal Settings: You can now set proposals or invoices to publish automatically to the proposal upon creation, so that you don’t have to publish each one individually.
- “Bulk” Publish Proposals & Invoices to the Customer Portal: Not using our auto-publish feature (described above) but have multiple proposals or invoices you’d like to publish to the portal at once? You can now do so using the “Bulk Publish” button available on both of these screens.
Contacts Improvements
- “Bulk” Invite Contacts to the Customer Portal: You can now invite multiple contacts at once to the customer portal.
- Easy Role Management: You can now view and/or update a contact’s role directly from the main Contact listing screen. In addition, you can easily manage roles per building by using the “Contacts” tab available in a building. From here, you can now add and remove contacts to/from a building as needed.
September 2022
Office Updates
Work Order / Service Improvements:
- Default Service Tech: At each building in your Inspect Point account, you can assign a default service technician. This technician will be automatically assigned to any work orders at this building (though you can re-assign it as needed). (Learn More)
- Work Order Status Notifications: Like with Inspection Statuses, you can now receive email notifications for updates to Work Order Statuses. (Learn More)
Customer Portal Improvements:
- "Bulk" Publish Service & Inspection Reports: Need to publish multiple service or inspection reports to the Customer Portal? You can now do that in bulk, by checking off the reports you'd like to publish and clicking "Publish to Customer Portal." (Learn More)
Invoice Updates:
In the new "Invoice/Payment Settings" section of your Settings screen, you can manage multiple settings related to invoices / payments. New features include:
- Invoice Numbering Control: You can now can reset the "seed" of your invoice number and each invoice will find the next highest number from that number. (Learn More)
- Invoice Share Link: Copy and share a web link to an invoice. (Learn More)
- Preview Invoice Email: When you are sending an invoice to a customer, you can now check a box to send a copy of that email to yourself. (Learn More)
- Invoice Category: Create custom "invoice categories" that you can use to categorize invoices as needed (based on service line, for example, or any other categories you would like to use). (Learn More)
- Payment Terms Improvements: Just FYI, "payment terms" (NET 15, 30, etc.) were previously/incorrectly named "payment type" in the system. They are now renamed to "Terms" and appear under the issue date. (Learn More)
Import Improvements:
- Building Contacts: When importing buildings and associated contacts, you can set the contact role on the contacts. (Learn More)
- Proposed Corrections: You can now import proposed corrections into Inspect Point. (Learn More)
Integration Improvements:
QBO Integration Improvements:
- Sync Payment Terms: Payment terms set on Inspect Point invoices will now sync to QBO. If the payment term set in Inspect Point does not exist as a payment term on the QBO side, a new QBO payment term will be created. (Learn More)
- Sync Invoice Number: You can now choose to sync your Inspect Point invoice number to QBO, so the QBO invoice will reflect the Inspect Point invoice number. (Learn More)
August 2022
Office Updates
Service Reports in Customer Portal: You can now share completed Work Order reports to the Customer Portal. (Learn more.)
Updated Customer Portal settings: You can now choose to have all Inspection Reports, and/or all Work Order Reports, publish automatically to the Customer Portal. (Learn more.)
Calendar Display Toggle: On your Calendar screen, between the filters and the calendar, there is now a “Display” toggle. You can switch between a view that will show details (what’s being inspected) or a simpler view that shows only the visit time and building name.
Tax Settings for Proposals & Invoices: You can now assign tax rates on proposals and invoices. The default tax rate comes from Company Settings, and users can now create Account & Building-specific tax rates. (Learn more.)
Billing Info on Invoices: Billing Info on Invoices now auto-populates from Buildings & Accounts. Set a Building Contact as “Billing/Invoice Contact” and Billing Info in invoices will populate from this contact. If no Billing Contact is set, fields will populate from the Building Account. (Learn more.)
Internal Notes on Work Orders: Internal notes can now be added to work orders. They are viewable only by back-end office users (not technicians) and do not show on Service Reports.
Backflow Report: This new analytic report displays a list of all backflows, displaying the associated building and date tested. You can filter by date range, or export.
Web view of invoice: Previously, the link that appears when an invoice is sent to a customer opens a PDF in a new tab. Now, it opens a webpage that contains the invoice. You can access a PDF by clicking to download on the web page.
July 2022
Office Updates
Aerosol: We have a new special hazard type, "Aerosol."
Internal Notes on Work Orders: Internal notes can now be added to work orders. They are viewable only by back-end office users (not technicians) and do not show on Service Reports.
Web view of invoice: Previously, the link that appears when an invoice is sent to a customer opens a PDF in a new tab. Now, it opens a webpage that contains the invoice. You can access a PDF by clicking to download on the webpage.
Updates to Inspection Series: This update to inspection series allows you to create an inspection series that starts this month, or this week. Prior to this change all inspections started the next period and required one-time inspections to be created.
Technician Instructions: Have instructions for a technician that are specific to an inspection? You can now add “Technician Instructions” to an inspection or work order, which will show up on the iPad of the assigned technician. (Note, you can still use “Building Notes” to share instructions relevant to all inspections at a building, but this new feature allows you to share inspection-specific instructions!)
Visit Display Updates on Calendar: You can now see an icon to indicate if a visit is a work order, or an inspection. In addition, on inspections, you can see a preview of what’s being inspected.
Analytic Report Updates:
Backflow Report: This new analytic report displays a list of all backflows, displaying the associated building and date tested. You can filter by date range, or export.
- Expiring Inspection Series: This new report allows you to see inspection series that are expired, or expiring soon. (You will receive a CSV for inspection series that have expired in the past 90 days or are expiring in the next 60 days. If there are no expiring inspection series, you will not receive the CSV.)
- Overdue Inspections: See a list of inspections that are past due, helping identify potential lost revenue.
New Fields on Proposed Corrections: Proposed corrections now have a “Name” and “Description” field. The description field is optional, but can be utilized to provide more information about the correction.
QBO Integration Updates:
- Changes to field mapping: For customers using our QuickBooks Online integrations, now when QBO products/services are imported, the “name” field of that product/service maps to the “name” field of a proposed correction, and the “description” field of the product/service in QBO maps to the “description” field in Inspect Point.
- Invoice number display: On the Inspect Point listing screen, you can now see the QBO invoice number next to the Inspect Point invoice number.
Ability to Search Buildings By State & Zip Code: You can now type in a state, or zip code, into the search bar on the buildings listing screen to find all buildings that are in this state or zip.
Ability to Quickly Add Extinguishers + Exit Signs Groups: Now, when you’re working with fire extinguisher or exit sign groups, you don’t need to edit a building to add a new group. You can do it right from the tab in the building detail screen!
Inspection + Work Order Detail Screen: On the inspection detail, you can now see all associated work orders and invoices. On the work order detail screen, you can now see all associated invoices.
Technician Updates
Improvements to the "Inspection Summary" screen: We have made design enhancements to the summary screen that techs see before sending an inspection back to the office. Now, the technician can easily see a list of all related work orders and proposals. They can also see all signatures on the inspection.
Improvements to the Signature Functionality: Now, a user can tap to remove a signature.
Building Notes: Building notes are now available to the user to see without having to click on the icon.
Address Line 2: Address line 2 is now available for technicians to see on the iPad.
Technician Instructions: On their iPad or iPhone, technicians can now view inspection-specific instructions that are added by a back-end user.
Auto-complete & Search Default Technician Notes: Default technician notes can be added on the back-end via your “Settings” screen, in the “Inspections” section. These notes are a way for a technician to quickly select a note on a deficiency (such as “Painted Heads” on a sprinkler) without having to type it out each time. Now, on the iPad or iPhone, a technician can search for the note they’re looking for, or start typing and select from auto-complete suggestions, rather than having to scroll through the whole list and manually select the note.
Space Management: Technicians now have more insight into what space is being used by Inspect Point and clear unused files. Ability to Make an Alarm Device as No Access: Alarm customers that use default answers can now mark alarm devices not tested by stating they cannot access the device.
June 2022
Office Updates
- Download Multiple Inspections Reports at Once: On the reports page, you can now select multiple reports to download to your computer at once. Note, you must enable pop-ups in your browser for this to work. You can also view individual reports in a new tab by pressing the grey ‘eye’ icon, or download a report to your computer by pressing the green download icon. View documentation here.
- Work Order Tags: You can now add tags to work orders when you are creating a new work order, or editing an existing one. Once you have added tags, you can filter your Work Order list by your tags.
Technician Updates
- Photos No Longer Save to Device: Previously, all photos saved to the iOS device’s photo album and/or iCloud, if enabled. Now, photos will no longer save by default. (This can be changed via your device’s settings, if desired.)
- Add Existing Items to the Inspections from the Field: Now, when doing an inspection, a technician can add an existing system, device or asset to an inspection. (Previously, techs could only add a new system/device/asset, or had to contact the back-end office to add an existing one.)
- Fire Extinguisher Swap / Loaner: These new features allow technicians to quickly and easily identify loaners, and swap out extinguishers in the field. View documentation here.
May 2022
Office Updates
Account Notes: You now have the ability to add a note to an account. Note, this is an internal office note that does not show up on the iPad; it can be helpful when you need to record any information about an account you’re working with.
Overdue Extinguisher Report: The Overdue Extinguisher Report accessible via the Analytics Reports screen enables a back-end office user to see which extinguishers are overdue for inspection, and at which building. This update allows you to see if there is a scheduled inspection of any overdue extinguisher, and if so, when it is scheduled and which technician is assigned.
Copy Additional Techs to an Inspection Series While Adding a Visit: Our “Visits” functionality on inspections allows you to add additional technicians, and indicate when they’ll be at the building. Now, when adding a visit for an additional technician on an inspection that is part of a series, you can choose to automatically add the visit to all instances in the series.
Technician Status: On the Inspection detail page, we’ve added a “Technician Status” that allows you to see which technicians are working on the inspection, when they started it, and if they’ve submitted it back to the office. Note: This functions only if the tech is connected to data/WiFi when they start the inspection, and currency does not reflect the “Started” status of additional technicians.
System Questions Listing Screen Improvements: You can now filter by frequency, section, and if the question is shown on a report. We also renamed "show on report" to status (active/inactive) to more clearly show that this is going to impact if the question will display on the iPad and reports.
- Scheduling Conflict Detection: When scheduling an inspection or service visit, you will be notified if the selected technician is unavailable to work due to being double booked, or if they have a time off entry at this time.
- Inspection Series Due Date: You can now set a due date when scheduling an inspection series. The scheduled date defaults to the first of the month, and due date is end of month.
- QBO Integration: Our enhanced QBO integration allows you to send invoices to QuickBooks Online with a click of a button, link Inspect Point buildings or accounts to customers in QuickBook, link Inspect Point corrections to QuickBooks products or services, and sync QuickBooks Online invoice payment statuses to Inspect Point. Note: This is an add-on feature. Please contact support@inspectpoint.com to find out more information about enabling the QBO integration.
April 2022
Office Updates
Inspection Due Date: Add an inspection due date to your inspection to track a deadline. You can also filter by inspection due date on the Inspections listing screen.
Technician Updates
- New Inspection-to-Work Order Workflow: Now, when a technician is doing an inspection and identifies an issue they can resolve while at the building, they can quickly and easily generate a work order for that work done on-site. (How to Create a Work Order while doing an Inspection)
- Proposal Enhancements: Technicians can now add a proposal summary, scope of work, exclusions and terms & conditions to a proposal while in the field. Additionally, if online, the technician can view and share the proposal from their mobile app, and have a customer accept it if desired. (How to Create a Proposal in the Field)
March 2022
Office Updates
- Proposal Reminders: Automate email reminders on proposals sent to your customers, and control how often the emails go out, how many days in between the reminders, and the email content. (How to use Proposal Reminders)
- Technician Time Off & Company Holidays: By adding or importing technician time-off entries into Inspect Point, you’ll know exactly which technicians are available when, so if a technician is out for a vacation, training, sick day or any other reason, it will appear on your Calendar and Scheduler. Similarly, you can also track when your company is closed. (How to use Technician Time Off | How to use Company Holidays)
- Settings Updates: Now, find your settings in the left-hand sidebar, organized by category, to make updates a breeze.
February 2022
Technician Updates
- French Canadian & Spanish iOS app support: While inspection questions are already available in French Canadian and Spanish, we now have full translation support across the entire iOS application.
January 2022
Office Updates
New Select All Functionality - The Inspections and Invoice listing screens have a new select all functionality that makes it easy to select a few, a page, or all items that match your filter criteria. Additionally the batch actions have been moved close to where the action needs.
- Invoice Bulk Action - Mark Paid - Users can now select multiple invoices and mark them paid from the invoice listing screen.
- Account Improvements - Ability to deactivate accounts and additional filters on Account Listing screen.
Edit Customer Portal Email - It is possible that a customers portal email address may differ from the contact email in the system. This email address is now visible to you on the backend and can be edited vie the "Edit Customer Portal Access" link.
- Building Listing Improvements - Improved layout and filter options when searching for buildings.
- ULC Alarm Reporting - Add System Name Option - We now support the ability to add the alarm system name to the first page of the ULC report. This is helpful to customers that are inspecting more than one alarm system in a given inspection. Contact support@inspectpoint.com if you are interested in enabling this feature.
- Technician No Access Note Updates - Backend users can now edit the Technicians access note they add when in the field in the event it needs to be edited or removed.
Technician Updates
- ULC Alarm System Improvements - Ability to add additional control units, printer tests, voice tests to a single alarm system for all code years and inspection types.
- Back Flow Backspace Fix - We identified an issue where users that use backflows were unable to backspace the last character in a text area on the form.
- NFPA Alarm Device Catalog - Improvements were made to the alarm device catalog to support by allowing users to set the "Factory Settings" on the alarm catalog which will now copy to the "Factory Settings" on the alarm device eliminating some manual data entry.
December 2021
Office Updates
- Technician Teams - Do you have a large number of technicians? Now you can organize your technicians into teams so that managers can easily filter the backend to the technicians that are import to your users.
- User & Technician Listing Screens - New filters default these screens to only show active/approved users.
- Dashboard Styling Updates - Many of our reporting dashboards now have a new improved look and feel to them.
- Alarm Device Listing Order - The order of the alarm devices is now available on alarm device and special hazard listing screens. This defaults the order on these screens to match what is seen in reports and on the mobile app.
- Special Hazard Device Improvements - You can now do all the filtering, editing and ordering you can do on alarm devices on special hazards.
- General Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
Technician Updates
- Updates to support latest XCode / iOS versions
- General Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
November 2021
Office Updates
- Proposal Updates - Hide sales tax and subtotal on proposal if there is no sales tax. Address issue where rare cases result in blank pages on proposal PDF output.
- Joint Commission - Include index / count on each detail of the joint commission. New option to have cover sheet on each page.
- Report Internationalization - Additional support for languages on report output.
- General Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
Technician Updates
- Additional Fire Extinguisher Make/Models added to lookup
- Work Order Updates - Allow technicians to add attachments and have them show on the report
- General Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
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