Have you or your technicians ever struggled with weak internet connections, causing delays in sending inspections back before moving on to the next job? Great news! We now offer an option to mark the inspection complete and move it to a "Send Later" queue.
New Queue Feature
On the left tray of the home screen, you'll find a new section displaying the queue. This section shows how many inspections or service visits are waiting to be sent back. You can send these anytime when you are connected to the internet. The system will work to send these asynchronously in the background, allowing you to continue working without interruption.
How to Use
Anywhere you send your visit to the office, you will now be prompted with this new option.
When offline you still have the option to Queue for later:
You can easily manage your queue by swiping any inspection or service visit in your list. Swipe to add it to the queue or remove it if it’s already added. This feature provides more flexibility, enabling you to choose the optimal time to send inspection data back to the office.
The Queue can be expanded to see the list and sent back to the office (if connected to the internet).
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