Start on the Proposals tab on the left side-bar and select + New Proposal.
You will be directed to the start of the proposal creation, Step 1, where you can begin filling out the necessary information.
*A red asterisk indicates a required field*
When done click Next.
In Step 2, you can:
- Link or Link and Add any deficiencies to the proposal by clicking the + next to the deficiency (if you only link and do not add, then the deficiency will not appear on the proposal)
- Add any Materials, Materials & Services, Line Items, & Summary Line Items
For everything except Summary Line Items, you can select the quantity, unit price, and check whether the item is taxable or not. Materials & Services also let you markup the prices. In Materials, you can markup either by unit or by percentage. In Materials & Services, click the $ or % icon to toggle between marking up in dollars or by percentage.
Furthermore, Materials & Services lets you add proposal factors to your corrections. These can be set in the Proposal Factors section in your Proposal Settings, and allow you to change the factor of your proposal pricing by 10%, 50%, 100% etc.
You can also change the description for each of your Materials & Services. This description pre-fills from the proposed corrections, but you can change it to whatever you'd like. This will not change the pre-fill for the proposed correction; it only changes it for this particular proposal. To change the pre-fill such that it appears differently on future proposals, head to the Materials & Services section in your Proposal Settings.
When done click Next.
In Step 3, you can take the proposal one step further, by adding:
- Summary
- Scope of Work
- Exclusions (can add more than one if needed)
- Term and Conditions (can add more than one if needed)
Please note: You can preset each of these items. To learn how to setup proposal defaults, click here
When done, click Next.
In step 4, you can add photos, either from the building or upload new ones.
When you've added all desired photos, click Next.
In Step 5, add any attachments you'd like to include with your proposal.
And in Step 6, you can see a preview of the Proposal PDF.
- If any adjustments need to be made, click Back and follow the steps above
- If everything looks good:
- Click Save to save and send at a later date
- Click Save and Send to send proposal now through Inspect Point
If you click Save and Send, then a pop-up box will appear with a preview of the email. Add any and all emails you'd like to send the proposal to, as well as BCC for multiple participants, if you'd like.
Press Save and Send to send, or Cancel to make edits to the proposal.
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