If you need to cancel a series of inspections, whether because a mistake was made or the series no longer exists, follow the steps outlined below
From the Building Detail screen, click the Inspections tab on the building
>>> You will now see the inspections you created in the series listed in the Pending status
Click the ID number of one of the inspections in the series
>>>You will now see the Inspection Detail screen and see the inspection status set to Pending
Click into the Inspection Status area and select from the drop-down the Cancelled status
>>> Once selected you will see the Cancelled status appear in the Inspection Status field
Click Update next to the Cancelled status
>>> A pop-up box will now appear on the screen with two options
Because we'd like to cancel all the inspections in this series, make sure "Update status for all pending inspections." is selected
Click Update
>>> You will now be redirected back to the building
Click the Inspections tab on the building
On the Inspections page, you will no longer see the Pending inspections listed. They have been moved to Cancelled and therefore no longer exist.
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