In May 2024, we expanded our Tech Messages concept to create an activity feed visible at the building, inspection, and service visit levels. Office users and technicians can now add messages at the building, inspection, or visit level and view the entire message history.
Inspection Activity
In the office view, you will now see tabs at the top of the Inspection detail screen. The Details tab will take you to all the details of the inspection your used to seeing, and the Activity tab will display existing activity and allow you to add notes to the activity feed.
Technician View
Technicians can now see activity in the same place they used to, but with the addition of a red dot icon to notify them of new content to read.
Please note: Technicians will be able to view building and inspection or service visit level notes.
Building Detail - Activity Tab
The Activity tab on the Building Detail view has replaced the Tech Messages. It provides a similar experience to the inspection detail view, but it displays activity across all inspections and service visits for that building.
Visibility Settings
Notes on the back office can be set to two visibility settings.
- Office & Technicians - Displays in activity feed and on the technicians mobile device
- Office Only - Only visible to office users. Can be used to track internal notes that the office does not need the technicians aware of.
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