Inspect Point allows technicians to replace extinguishers in the field independent of location. Previously, techs had to replace extinguishers in their specific locations. This took a lot of time, particularly for multi-day jobs with large buildings and many extinguishers. Now, techs can swap extinguishers between locations, saving valuable time in the field.
Using Extinguisher Switch
There is no flag required for the Switch feature; it is enabled by default for all extinguisher users.
To use it, begin an extinguisher inspection on the iPad and tap into your desired Extinguisher group.
Next, swipe to the left on the first extinguisher you want to swap. You’ll see the Switch button appear.
Tap Switch, and the extinguisher details will become gray, indicating the extinguisher has been selected for a Switch.
Next, tap the extinguisher you want to switch locations with. In our example, we’ll be switching with the extinguisher in Position #5, directly above the one in the red box.
When we tap the fifth extinguisher, its location - South Hall Extinguisher 5 - will remain in the same row. The same will occur for the first extinguisher selected; the Location of 2nd Floor East Hall Extinguisher 6 will remain in the sixth position. Everything else - Type/Size, Section, Serial Number, Service Due - will move to the new position. The picture below reflects these changes.
By using the Switch feature, techs no longer have to edit individual extinguishers to change their locations. All other functionality found on inspections (marking deficiencies, answering questions, adding. photos, etc.) remains the same.
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