Inspect Point offers the ability to select a default currency, which will be used automatically on customer-facing documents including proposals, invoices, and service reports. You can choose to change this currency on individual documents if you wish. Here's how:
- To set a default currency, navigate to Settings, then Company Settings. Scroll to the Currency area, and click "Add Currency." From that list, you can select the currencies you'd like to be able to use on your documents.
- You can make a currency a default currency by clicking the icon and then "Make Default." The default currency will be used automatically on all proposals, invoices and service reports.
- If you wish to use a currency other than your default currency on an individual proposal, invoice or service report, you can select an alternative currency when creating (or editing) that document.
The selected currency symbol and abbreviation will then show on your proposal web link/PDF, invoice web link/PDF, and service report PDF.
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