Click the dropdown arrow in the upper right corner of the screen (next to "Welcome, your username")
Select Edit Questions from the dropdown
Click Edit next to the area of questions you'd like to add to
In this example, we will be adding a question to an Asset
Click New System Question in the upper right of the screen
Enter your question in the Question Text box
Add Code Year and Code, if applicable
Next, select the Question Type and Frequency from the dropdowns
Next, select what type the question should be associated with (if applicable), then the specific type (if applicable), and then the section (if applicable)
Please Note: This step varies based on where you are adding the question(s)
Click Save when done
Repeat the above process to add additional questions
You will automatically be directed back to the question screen. Here you can search for your question to confirm it has been added to the correct section and frequency.
>>PLEASE NOTE: To see this question on the iPad, technicians will need to log off and log back into the mobile app.
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