Territories are a means of granting access to users and technicians in Inspect Point. Once territories are created, users and techs are assigned access to them, thus limiting their view across the backend. This allows users to have access only to information managers want them seeing. This article explains how to add territories, grant access to users and techs, and what their new visibility in the backend looks like.
How to Add Territories
To add territories, navigate to Settings → Territories.
Next, click the + New Territory button, name your territory, and click Save.
The new territory, along with all others, will be displayed in the Territory Listing Screen.
How to Grant Territory Access
We can now use territories to limit visibility for backend users and technicians.
Note: Admins are the only role that can set these permissions. This applies for both backend users and technicians. Admins will have access to all territories.
We will first explain how to set permission for backend users. To set territory access, navigate to Settings → Backend Users.
Next, click the user you want to edit.
At the bottom of the screen you’ll see a section called Territory Access. Adding territories here limits backend access to only these territories. This means users will only see buildings with their permitted territories, as well as inspections created from these buildings.
Additionally, you may only add existing territories here. To add new ones, travel to the Territories page described in the previous section.
There are no limit to how many territories can be added. Once satisfied, click Update and Territory Access will be saved.
Back on the Backend User Listing Screen, the column Territory Access displays these changes. All permitted territories will be listed here.
You can manage territory access from this screen as well. To do so, click the three dots in the Territory Access column.
This opens a pop-up where you can manage territory access. Here, add your desired territories and click Update to save your changes.
The process for adding territory access to technicians works much the same. As an admin, navigate to Settings → Technicians.
Click the technician you want to edit and scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Territory Access section. Territories can be added here the same way as backend users.
How Territory Access Impacts Visibility
With territories set on backend users and technicians, let’s see how visibility is affected in the backend.
In our example we will follow the sales user Griffin throughout the backend. We can see his territory access is set to Alleghany, which means he will only be able to view information stored in this territory.
Now let’s add the territory, Alleghany, to some buildings. If a building has the same territory as the one a user has access to, then the information will appear in the user’s backend. This process is the same for all backend user types.
To add a territory to a building, click Edit on your desired building and choose your desired territory from the dropdown.
As an admin, we added Alleghany as the territory to Cabellas, along with Data Center #20, Freeman Sporting Goods, and Griffin’s Headquarters.
Logging in now as Griffin, our Sales User who can only view the Alleghany territory, we see these four buildings in his building list.
Furthermore, if we go to the Inspections tab, only inspections done at these buildings will appear. The same is true for deficiencies, work orders, invoices, and proposals.
Continue adding territory access as needed.
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