Inspect Point’s map feature is intended to support the workflow of those who schedule and dispatch inspection and/or work order visits in the backend.
The map allows the user to see where visits in various statuses are located. A typical use case is to filter the visit list to show unassigned/pending visits while viewing the visits already scheduled on the map, which allows you to figure out the most efficient schedule for a specific technician.
To access the map, click the map and select the Schedule & Dispatch option on the Navigation bar.
Map Features
The map is comprised of three main areas:
- The visit list
- The map
- The scheduler
Visit List
The visit list shows building visits, and is filterable by:
- Scheduled date
- Building
- Technician
- Technician Team
- Territory
- Tags
- Visit Type
- Inspection Status
- Inspection Type
- Work Order Status
Click the “filter” icon to see all filter options, and “reset” to clear filters.
These options filter the visits in the visit list and the pins on the map; they do not impact what appears in the Scheduler.
Each visit in the list shows key details like building name, address, status and technician. Clicking the visit will highlight it on the map, center the selected visit in view on the map, and open a modal that shows additional details and allows you to edit the status, technician and scheduled date and duration.
You can drag a visit from the visit list to the scheduler board, which will put the visit in a “scheduled” status and assign it to the technician and date/time you drag it to.
The Map
The map shows pins from the visit list and pin for visits on the day shown in the Scheduler.
Currently, the map centers on Inspect Point’s headquarters in Troy, NY. Simply drag to the geographic location of your service area to see buildings. You can zoom in/zoom out as needed.
You can click on a pin to bring up a modal to view or edit details.
If a technician has a photo, you will see it on the pin; otherwise you will see their initial/technician color. Unassigned/pending visits will display in black with the technician icon.
Similar to the visit list, you drag a pin from the map to the scheduler board, which will put the visit in a “scheduled” status and assign it to the technician and date/time you drag it to.
The Scheduler
The scheduler functions in a similar way to Inspect Point’s existing scheduler board – but, with the map, allows the scheduler/dispatcher to see the visits on a map view.
You can click the arrows to view past or future dates, and you can double click on today’s date to bring it back into view. Here's more about the scheduler:
What Shows on the Scheduler:
In addition to the day’s scheduled visits, you will also see company holidays and technician time-off days.
The red vertical line marks the current time. Click and drag to see earlier or later in the day if needed.
Technician Schedules:
Each row on the scheduler displays a technician’s scheduled visits. You will see the visit count next to their name. You can also click the pin icon to show or hide the visits from the day on the map:
Editing the Schedule:
You can click on a visit to drag it to a new time slot, or drag to the upper left corner to un-assign.
You can also drag it to a different technician to change who it is assigned to.
You can click the beginning or end of the box to adjust the duration (start or end time).
And finally, similar to the map and visit list, you can click the visit to view or edit additional details in a modal window.
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